About 101 Free Christian Dating
101 FREE Christian Dating Service - a labour of love!
(If you have queries about my service you can email me at: epgb101@gmail.com)
Hello, my name is Edward and I designed Fusion101 in 1998 - a totally free Christian dating site and singles service where you never have to pay! I am a Christian myself and have run the site since it went live all those years ago, and love helping Christians meet and marry other believers!
Whilst I'm not keen on plastering my mugshot all over the Internet, I feel it's important in today's world of Internet scammers and bogus websites more interested in your wallet than your well-being, or helping you meet someone genuine to marry, that I should put a face to my site, what it stands for and offers.
FREE Christian singles!
How I pay for Fusion101 & keep it free
Fusion101 was set up as a not-for-profit service to help Christians meet other singles outside their church circle which can often be small (originally I envisioned Fusion to be a portal and operate like a charity and support causes which I have partially achieved but still working on).
I pay for it myself, along side a small number of member donations, plus revenue generated by the ads you see on this page placed by Google (I do not do any deals with advertising compnies or decide what ads appear). Whilst not ideal, the ads are currently the only way I can keep the site free to use, so I hope you can put up with them until I can work out a better solution!
Aside from that I also rent my spare room and do various part-time jobs to pay for the service. It may sound a litlle odd to put this info on here - but it's true and how I fund the site:)
My passion is to help single Christians meet & marry!
I know first hand how difficult it can be to meet Christians these days, let alone a Christian to marry at church - especially if yours is a small congregation. Many churches are also quite insular, making meeting people from other congregations difficult too.
Having also done the whole far-from-ideal church hopping thing and looking outside church, and seeing my very eligible friends also finding it hard to meet new single friends and even resorting to bars and clubs to try to meet people, I realised it would be far better to stay and serve at the church you love and use a singles service just for Christians who are serious about marriage - so with zero Internet knowledge and no idea how I was going to make it work - in 1998 I came up with Fusion!
Whilst there have been an untold number of obstacles along the way, eg being fleeced by my server host company, various people trying to gain control of the site, or seeing the problems I've had offer to 'buy me out', or fusion crashing many times when it became too busy all leading to severe amounts of stress and all kinds of physical health problems (thankfully the site is now manageble and I am on the mend:) - somehow we are still here!:)
People are stronger together
I could also see the long term effects that being single had on Christians - sometimes leading to despair and despondancy - no good for them or the church, and that people are stronger together as a partnership and that real fulfillment comes in helping and serving each other.
So since 1998 I have had a passion to help Christians meet someone they can love and grow in faith with, and bring up a solid Christian family. I don't believe everything in life is, or should be free - in fact most things of value cost someone very dearly, but I feel health and relationshsips are an exception - and this is why I keep Fusion101 free and why I have spent 18 years trying to make this possible. You can read about a few Fusion101 success stories here!
If you are Christian & single - please try Fusion101
I sincerely hope and pray that you and your Christian friends will find our completely free matchmaking site helps you in your journey on the road to real and lasting love and happiness! Check out some of our testimonials or read about fusion101's long and painful journey from vision and garage experiment, to against all odds overcoming a huge amount of problems to become a household name amongst Christians and one of the best known and trusted Christian dating sites on Internet!
Join us - it's always free and don't forget to tell your friends about fusion - God bless you, Edward.
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