Christian Matchmaking Sites

Top online matchmaking services for Christians
No doubt if you are a serious Christian, or you adhere to a particular Christian denomination, you will want to meet people of a similar Christian faith and belief. Whilst Indian matchmakers for instance have been around for years and never really carried the stigma that western dating agencies and match making services had until recently, we westerner Christians attached to dating and singles services - or as they used to be known personal 'introduction services' - the stigma thankfully no longer exists. The traditional services used to cost an arm and a leg in comparison with todays comparitively cheap online matchmaking services and Internet dating sites.
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Since the Internets beginning it became obvious that matchmakers could fairly easily be set up online - and that the Internet was in fact the perfect medium for people to meet in a non-threatening and non-pressure environment. Hence the explosion of web dating sites. From what was in the early 90's mabe 2-3 major players, we now have hundreds - thousands of serious Internet singles services that cater for every niche group you can imagine - Christians being one of them!
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Below you will find some Christian matchmaking sites and services as well as dating guides and singles tips sites and service - mostly web based. There are of course and have been for many years, a mountain of 'dating advice' books - most of which contain the usual brush your teeth/ comb your hair type boy girl advice - but there are amongst them some gems that contain all sorts of insights and truths about human behaviour that can help. Anyway - enough of us! Have fun and God bless you all - 101 Christian Dating Service.
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Todays Fantastic Quote
"The full use of your powers along lines of excellence."
- definition of "happiness" - by John F. Kennedy (1917-1963)
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