How Fusion101 is Financed
The short answer is - it isn't really funded at all! That said - I do have about 6 monthly donators who probably don't realise thety are helping me to break even and I'm very greatful to them.
But let me explain a bit more about Fusion 'finances' below. Hi - I'm Edward and I own and designed way back in 1998! Although I registered a company all those years ago in 2000 (I was quite green) 101 actually operates much more like a charity, though technically of course it is not.
I sometimes wonder why I didn't register it as a charity - but I think perhaps I did do teh right thing as charities are answerable to folk that I suppose I'd rather not be in teh future. In any case, I resgisted a conpany as I've always been loathed to be constantly asking people for money, and hoped ideally to rely on income generated by the free and some paid services we offer - as well as any freely given donations.
Whilst it did generate wuite a lot of advertising revenue for a time, virtually all of this was eaten up by half a dozen failed attampts I made to upgrade the site. This was really down to developers saying they would craeta a new site for me at a free, but it never being finished. I don't blame them (though I was miffed at the time) but my mis-managemnet and lack of business sense. I'm a little better now - shame as the site now does not generate only a fraction of that revenue that wouild be ver useful now I do have a new site and this one has been put in a faster server.
Pricing & Fees at 101
There are no fees at Fusion (or any of my websites). I essentially want to offer as musch as possible for free and let the members decide if they want to donate having tried and used teh service.
How I am paid
As of 2024 - I am now not paid anything once all teh costs have been taken out. The 3-4K per year that comes in through advertising revenue and donations I use to run it which is quite a task -almost all of that goes on server costs, domains and developer and accountancy fees. Any lesft over - usually not much these days goes back into development and running costs. If you do feel led to donate anything small would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading and God bless you.
Edward (101Administrator and owner).