101Dating Guide Articles
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Finding mr right
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Christian Singles do's & don'ts
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The four loves
Falling in love
What is real love?
Gender help & advice
Christian marriage advice part 1
Christian marriage advice part 2
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What is the noble Goldy wife in The Bible
What is a Godly husband?
Advice about you
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What is real beauty?
Chastity & how to stay pure for marriage
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How to find a Christian Husband
Singles Encouragement
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What's 101 Christian singles service?
What was 101 Christian Singles Service desiged for?
The service that we start some 15 years ago was made just for church goers so that they would not have to worry about where they could meet new man and women of faith to date and ideally - marry! I started the service really out of frustration at seeing that churches were too busy to deal woth the singles issue properly - or perhaps they just didn't know how or ot was (back then) a slightly taboo subject - the issue of Christian dating I mean. In reality though someone like me just needed to figure out a way to help the situation and after joining a two traditional match-maker services (where you pay your money and the person at the other end does the matching for you) I soon realised that the Internet was the way forward as far as really helping single Christians get together with potential matches.
An introduction service with a heart for Christians - not $$$$!
In 1999 I set about designing a website (with no prior knowledge and frankly not having a clue what I was doing!) but somehow one thing led to another and I got it online. Soon Fusion101 was to become the biggest free Christian dating site on the Internet with well over 300,000 Christians having joined at one time or another.
Well if you're here cos you're desparate to be married, or looking for a string of gorgeous dates then you're in the wrong place!:) Yep - we know Fusion101 has lots of words like 'dating', 'singles', matchmaking' etc but this is more for the search engines than for our members. The truth is we do offer the worlds greatest free dating service and matchmaker for Christians but the emphasis we want to place on Fusion is clearly fun and friends as opposed to marriage and dating!
- it just so happens now you mention it that we have in fact had tonnes of marriages since we started - and bazzillions of great friendships and a lot of fun - sorry I couldnt resist that!:)
Who is 101 Christian Singles Service for?
Use our site to meet people - make great new Christian friends, discuss the Bible in our Christian Chat Room, find out about events, run your own events with us or read our Biblical tips and advice for singles.
We do belive that God knows if it's best for you to be married and when. And who the perfect person is for you to partner up with - but that doesn't mean the person will be perfect, or indeed there wouldn't be others that might be fairly compatible with whom you might also pair up with - but God knows what's best. That we want to emphasise as much as we can. Have fun!
© 1999-2016 - Written by Fusion101 - 100% Christian dating for free!
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