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Tips for meeting someone online
Is the Internet the best place for you to meet a life partner for marriage? Some Christians don't think so - others have most definitely found love online (just look at some of the Christian marriage testimonials on many singles sites that are undoubtedly real!). I guess the thing to do is allow God to do things his way. Timing realy is the key here and you really don't want to start searching just out of desparation. Wait till you feel comfortable with yourself and your situation - keeoing in mind that nothing or nobody is perfect:). Best to go into something in as peaceful state of mind as possible since anything else will be a hindrance and is likely to put any potential partners off. So if you are going to get online dating a go - take your time.
A few things to think about when meeting via the Internet
Don't rush into any relationship. Sending e-mails seems to accelerate a certain type of closeness that is sometimes not altogether real. This isn't to it shouldn't be enjoyed as this is all part of the fun of onlind dating - just be aware of this. You have oodles of time so take as much as you want and don't ever be rushed. Indded if someone does trry to rush you - it may be time to say goodbye as that's not fair play - ok fellas!
When you first meet someone be sure it's in public so you can escape if necessary! I don't mean this in a nasty way but not everyone is everyone elses cup of tea so you may be glad you didn't take him up on his offer of 'dinner at mine'!! In other words be nice to yourself however nice they sound on the telephone and don't put yourself in awkward situations - never go to someone you don't knows house!! Also check as far as possible your "impressesions" of this person are as they appear.
Remmember the online / eamil part of your courtship is the beginning. Don't be a "mail-order" date! - there's no need to rush as I've already said. You are allowed to take your time. Make sure once you have passed this bit that you gat to know thwir friends and family asap since this will give you a good impression of the person and how true they are to their word. At the same time - don't feel the need to overly impress - apart from being polite and friendly, you are who you are and that's all you should try and be. Take care - have fun and think friendship first!
So are you ready to get meeting new people? Here's our reviews of some of the singles sites on the Internet:
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