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Christian Dating Advice & Help
Does anyone need dating advice?
Well The Bible gives us several guildeines when it comes to finding a soulmate. One such piece of guidance, or what is actually more a command is: "do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers." The problem is the term 'Dating advice' does make the term dating sound like a kind of sport doesn't it? But of course as Christians we are (or should be at least!) be dating only to find a really genuine Christian lady or gentleman to marry for life. And so 'dating' for us should not carry a stigma as we are serious as to our purpose in doing it.
Meeting people at church is no easy task these days!
Once upon a tiime in England, America, Ireland, Scotland and Canada and and many other countries, most people went to church and were people of faith. But the reality for christians today is that dating is not always an easy thing to do, there is no question about it. Simply from a numbers angle alone, meeting a genuine Christian these days (you know one that loves God with their heart, mind and soul and isn't sucked into all the trappings of the world - entertainment and wot-not) even at a church seems an impossible task - let alone finding a suitable person to be wed to!
In fact, it can be so difficult in church to meet new people and make rational relationship decisions - ie - do what's good for us - not necessarily what we think is best for us! It would be great to get advice from our Pastor any time we needed it but in reality this just doesn't and can't always happen.
Christian dating advice that you can trust is invaluable when it comes to dating other Christians and especially dating non-christians - you want to make the right descisions. Advice from other Christians is truly priceless if it's good - very damaging if it's bad and not from God. The right dating advice can help you to go in the direction that God wills for you in your life - one that will be beneficial long term. This page and others on this guide site give you insights and answers regarding dating. Are you looking for Christian dating rules, guidelines and principles, books on relationships, courting or family issues?.. read on.
Christian dating advice - where to get it
Well at Fusion101.com, on these pages and others, there is all sorts of informaion, books and Christian dating advice.. from a genuinely christian persoective. At Fusion you can also not only get advice but meet 1000's of single Christians online confidentially - and FREE!!!! (see the banner above).
Christian dating advice in our Free Chat Room
Use our single Christian dating chat room to discuss your issues and feelings on relationships with other single Christians in our online monitored Christian chat room.
See the menu on the top left of this page or click 'Topics' at the top for our own carefully considered Christian dating advice to helo you as a single in today's ever increasilngy secular society and world. We hope the guide articles and suggested tips and resource websites helps you and don't forget, if you are single to join our totally free - always 100% to good to be true Christian dating service:)
More Christian advice websites
There are two more website we want to tell you about that mat help you. One has been long established (since 2000) and gets hundreds of hits a day from Christians looking for helpful guidelines on everything relating to their spiritual faith and walk, and the other is newly created upgrade to this website and contains - and will contan more as time goes on, articles directly relating to singles issues in the church and how to deal with problems for people in that situation. On both sites you can actually submit questions (that is what differentiates them from this site) and recieve personalised answers to your questions! This is totally new and I've not seen many sites on the web that offere this kind of online counselling for Christians free. So check them out - they can be found by clicking the two links below.
General Christian advice | Dating Advice just for singles
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