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Single Christians - don't get dispondent - there is always hope!
Ok so you've hit 30, or even the dreaded 40, or you're in your 60s and you want to be married, and you're still wondering where or how on earth you're going to meet someone - a great Christian man or woman of God to marry I mean, just a coffee would do let alone a date... and love and romance... what are they?!!!
Well even for us 20-30 somethings, meeting new people at church - or the 'goldfish bowl' as I like to call it can be tricky to say the least, and asking someone out on a date (on the UK side of the atlantic at least) can be daunting.
Apparently the American Christians among us have got a much better attittude to the whole Christian singles and dating issue - as the churches in the US seem by all accounts to have taken the whole singles issue more seriously than we do. After all Christian singles and the Goldy families they bring up are the future of the church.
You see what the chuches don't see here in the UK is that half the congregation are single, and most important of all - singles in the church (and I know cos 100's of my members on my free Christian singles site - see the banner above - have told me) are not so much kept happy by actually having a steady partner or meeting their perfect soulmate - though that helps when one is trying to get married, but just meeting lots of new people, a steady stream of social activities is all that's needed to stop hope being deferred and the heart growing sick as The Bible says in Proverbs.
There are ways to meet people and find Christian dates
By the way that's not too strong a term for what happens to many single Christians who are always being left on the sidelines it seems as churches are so busy finding new ways to fill the pews when really they could do it much more effectively (as Muslims and Catholics seemed to have figured out hundreds of years ago) simply by ensuring people in their congregations were meeting suitable Christian spouses from other chuches or intridusing them to people in their own more effectively. The babies that would result would keep things moving along nicely in terms of numbers if that is their concern.
Try a genuine Christian dating site
This will free you from the goldfish bowl effect where evn the mere act of walking up to a single at church can get people talking about your coming marriage! There are several about that are Christian owned (this is very important as most dating services are secular owned even when they appear very much Christian owned. Check the Internet and do a bit f research before you hand over your money as you may get very little for a lot of cash paid out normally monthly to these dating sharks.
Our best dating advice tip!
Our best dating advice tip when going on a date with anyone is; don't think dating, think friendship and fun and let God and nature do the rest! Why?.. because the best way to attract someone is to be confident and not appear too needy. We all need love and romance is wonderful but nothing is more off-putting that someone who appears desperate.
You can be confident (even if you don't feel confident)
Confidence is attractive - especially when it's in what matters - God! So if you feel under confident - take heart and remember - you are a child of God and He knows and holds the future in His hands. His timing is perfect and the date you are on might just be good practivce for you to get to know yourself and others - especially if you are a young Christian. So take it easy and be serious in your faith but light hearted when it comes to making new single friends. If one gets away another (more suitable) Christian guy or girl will turn up when God thinks you are ready!
Prepare yourself for your husband or wife
Work on yourself in the meantime while you are single and prepare youself for the special man or woman God has prepared. Deal with anything that's a burden, anger, unforgiveness to others, men - try to get a job if you haven't got one, learn to be kind and learn as much as you can by reading The Bible and listening to selected sermons online (not prosperity gospel teaching - this is utter nonsense as Jesus didn't even have a place to lay his head! I mean real sermons about real life issues and how to deal with them - not getting rich quick).
Much better to marry the right person than to be hitched to someone you were infatuated with only to find out it was not God's best plan for you. He will always produce another alternative when we do make mistakes but try to listen to His small, still vlice and not the voice of cupid - who is invariably wrong when it comes to finding you a perfect match!
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