Christian Friends Service
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Friendship is ultimately what people need in order to have fulfilled happy lives. Ask anyone what they think they need to be happy and if they are being honest with themselves they will say friends. Friends are people that come along side us and a real friend is someone that is not only there during the good times - but there during thick and thin!
Christian friendship is modelled best by Jesus himself when you look at his relationship with the disciples whom he loved even when they dispayed signes of being thouroughly human - ie letting him down as they did on many an occasion.
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See to Christ this was not the important factor - humans are humans and will always be fallible while on the earth. No, what Jesus was trying to show them and instill in them was the quality of faithfulness which is something that needs to be done and doesn't happen automatically.
Sure we're all failthful to friends when times are good or if they are the coolest person to know - but what about when they are not the coolest kid on the block - what about when they have no money and when they are down and out. Nobody loves you when you're down and out as the song goes - is based on a very human instinct.. namely to stick with the successful people and you'll be ok.
Well thats the very challeng that makes Christian friends different (or should make them different!;). Christian friends are asked to go against the norm of only being failthful to who those you have something to gain. Nope - call up that person who is lonely and see how they are - invite them out for once with the cool bunch and yo'll see how God blesses you in the process of putting someone elses feelings and needs before yours:)
So how can Fusion 101 help with Christian friendship?... isn't it just another singles website?.. well in a nut shell no - it allows you to meet all sorts of new Christian friends in a click and if romance blossoms..! Try it for yourself now for a 100% free service (you dont have to pay - ever unless you want all the facy bells and whisltes).
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Other Christian friends resources - Christian Friends of Korea website.
Seeking a Christian marriage partner? - see this article. - friends website.
Christian friends article - help guide for finding true and lasting friendships.
Christian Matchmaker services - a place to make new friends with other believers here.
101 Christian articles
Christian friendship relationships
Find friendship - what should friendship be all about? See here.
Single and Christian - meet eligible friends and lots of ideas and ways to do it.
Register for free social events - a great way to meet new Chrisian friends.
Great Christian sayings & quotes
"You can only find truth with logic if you have already found truth without it."
"An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered; an adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered."
Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936)
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