Christian Denominations served at 101Christian Dating Site

It is highly unsurprising that with so many Christian denominations and apparent 'differences' within the church that people outside the church use this as a reason for not becoming Christians - "since we can't agree between ourselves when in actual fact naming a particular denomination is just like naming a baby.
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When anyone considers their denomination to be the 'only true way' consider for a moment that most people on the planet won't even get a chance to hear your particular doctrine or creed. Many die before they have the chance - others are led in wrong dirrections. Thankfully God is bigger than denominations and boxes.. he says in the Bible he will judge people according to what they know - you couldn't be more fair! Denominations can be a great thing and they can be a bad thing when they begin to disassociate with the rest of the world and withdraw - unlike Jesus himself who never spoke of denominations and who's main ambition was to enage and accept others.
Like people, churches are all different and individual and have different ways of showing their appreciation and love for God, for what he has done:)
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101ChristianNetworks is a non-denominational site and service for Christian singles. The following is a complete list of Christian denominations - singles which we serve:
African Methodist Episcopal Church
African Methodist Episcopal Zion
African Orthodox Church
African Union Methodist Protestant
Albanian Orthodox Diocese of America
Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist
American Baptist Churches USA
American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox
Amish Christians
Anabaptist Christians
Anglican Christian Singles dating
Anglican Episcopal of North America
Anglican Orthodox Church
Antiochian Orthodox Christian
AOG Christian Singles dating
Apostolic Christian Church
Apostolic Church of Pentecost
Apostolic Faith Church
Apostolic Lutheran Church of America
Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church
Armenian Christian Apostolic Church
Armenian Church of America
Armenian Evangelical Church
Assemblies of God Christian Singles
Advent Christian Church
Anglican Catholic Church
Anglican Christian Singles
Armenian Evangelical Church
Armenian Orthodox
Associated Gospel Churches of Canada
Asian Christianity and church article
Association of Vineyard Churches
Born Again Christians & Christian singles
Berean Fundamental Churches
Bible Fellowship Church
Bible Methodist Connection
Bible Presbyterian Church
Bible Way Church of Lord Jesus Christ
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Brethren in Christ
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Baptist Bible Fellowship
Branch Davidian
Bruderhof Communities
Byzantine Catholic Church
Calvary Chapel
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Canadian Evangelical Christian Churches
Catholic singles dating
Cell Church
Chinese Christian singles
Charismatic Episcopal Church
Charismatic Christiain Singles
Christian and Missionary Alliance
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Christian Church of North America
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Christian Reformed Church
Christian Science
Church of Christ
Church of Christ in Christian Union
CofE COE Church of England Christiain Singles
Church of God
Church of God (Anderson)
Church of God (Cleveland)
Church of God (Holiness)
Church of God (Independent Holiness)
Church of God (Mountain Assembly)
Seventh Day adventist Christiain Singles
Church of Denmark
Church of God General Assembly
Church of God General Conference
Church of God in Christ
Church of God of Prophecy
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Church of Lutheran Confession
Church of Nazarene
Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ of Apostolic Faith
Church of Scotland
Church of the Brethren
Church of the Living God
Church of the Lord Jesus Christ
Church of the Lutheran Brethren of America
Church of the New Jerusalem
Church of the Open Door
Church of the United Brethren in Christ
Church on the Rock
Church Universal and Triumphant
Congregational Christian Churches
Congregational Holiness Church
Congregational Methodist Church
Coptic Orthodox Church
Creation 7th day Adventist Church
Cumberland Presbyterian Church
Catholic Church Christian Singles
Celtic Orthodox
Christian Churches of God
Christian Identity
China church fellowships
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Church of South India
Church of the Nazarene
Churches of Christ
Churches of God General Conference
Congregational Christian Churches
Disciples of Christ
Deliverance Churches
Dutch Christian church
Eastern Orthodox
Episcopal Church
Episcopal Missionary Church
Evangelicals dating and Christiain Singles
Evangelical Christian Church
Evangelical Church of North America
Evangelical Lutheran Synod
Evangelical New Frontiers International
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church
Evangelical Congregational Church
Evangelical Covenant Church
Evangelical Formosan Church
Evangelical Free Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church
Evangelical Methodist Church
Evangelical Presbyterian
Federated Church
Fire-Baptized Holiness Church
First Church of Jesus Christ
Free Group Interdenominational
Free Reformed Churches of North America
Friends (quakers)
Full Gospel Fellowship
Fundamental Bible Churches
Fellowship of Christian Assemblies
Fellowship of Grace Brethren
Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches
Free Church of Scotland
Free Methodist Christiain Singles
Free Presbyterian
Free Will Baptist
General Association of Regular Baptist
General Association of Separatist Baptist
General Church of New Jerusalem
Grace and Hope Mission
Grace Brethren Church
Grace Gospel Fellowship
Greek Orthodox Church
Gnostic ministry
Great Commission Association of Churches
Hutterian Brethren
Hutterites dating
Independent Bible Churches
Independent Methodist Churches
International Council Community Churches
International Pentecostal Holiness Church
International Pentecostal Church of Christ
Independent Fundamental Churches of America
Indian Orthodox
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International Churches of Christ
Jesus Fellowship Church (Jesus Army)
Jesus is Lord Church
Karo singles
Knanaya Christians
Korean Christian Church
Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Liberal Catholic Churches
Liberty Fellowship of Churches
Latin American dating and Churches
Local Church
Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Living Church of God
Local Church
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Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
Methodist Church
Methodist Christiain Singles
Metropolitan Community Churches
Military Chapel
Missionary Christiain Singles
Moravian Church
Mount Calvary Holy Church of America
Mar Thoma Syrian Church
Messianic Judaism
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Moravian Church
Nation of Yahweh
New Frontiers International
Neighborhood Churches
Non-Denominational Churches
Norway Christian Church
Old German Baptist Brethren Church
Old Roman Catholic Church
Open Bible Standard Churches
Oneness fellowship
Orthodox Church in America
Orthodox Presbyterian
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Pentecostal Church of God
Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church
Pentecostal Church
Pentecostal Assemblies of the World
Pillar of Fire
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Polish National Catholic Church
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Presbyterian Church USA
Presbytarian Singles
Primitive Baptist
Primitive Methodist
Progressive National Baptist Church
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Rescue Mission
Roman Catholic Church Singles
Romanian Orthodox Episcopate
Russian Orthodox Church
Reformed Curch
Reformed Baptist Church
Reformed Church in America
Reformed Church in the United States
Reformed Churches of Australia
Reformed Presbyterian Church
Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Revival Centres International
Romanian Orthodox
Russian Orthodox
Salvation Armysingles
Schwenkfelder Church
Serbian Eastern Orthodox Church
Serbian Orthodox Church
Seventh Day Adventist dating(7th day adventists)
Seventh Day Church of God
Seventh Day Pentecostal
Southern Baptist Convention
Southern Episcopal Church
Southern Methodist Church
Southwide Baptist Fellowship
Sovereign Grace Baptists
Seventh Day Baptist
Society of Friends
Southern Baptist Convention
Sweden Christians
Swedish Church
Syriac Church
Syrian Orthodox
True and Living Church of Jesus Christ of Saints of the Last Days
Triumph the Church
Unification Church
United Baptist
Unitarian Universalism
United Brethren in Christ
United Christian Church
United Church in Australia
United Church of Canada
United Church of Christ
United Church of God
United House of Prayer
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United Methodist Church
United Reformed Church
United Reformed Church of North America
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Unity Church
Unity Fellowship Church
Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches
Virtual Churches
Victory Churches International
Volunteers of America
Waldensian Church
Way International, The
Wesleyan Methodist
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran
Worldwide Church of God
World Baptist Fellowship
Worldwide Church of God
Word Churches
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